The numbers just came in…Looks like we are still in a seller’s market. 2013 was entirely a seller’s market (less than 6 months of available inventory-Inventory in Houses for sale). 2014 is looking to be one HOT year in real estate. PRICES ARE ON THE RISE! Information from our local RMLS shows us that If we look at the average sales price for the last 12 months in the Portland/Metro area ($312,000) and compare it with the previous years 12 month average ($277,100) we can see there is a significant increase in sales price. 12.6% to be exact. That is amazing! 2014 will be a robust market and a perfect time to reenter if you have been on the fence about it.
Each neighborhood and location is different. If you would like current information your neighborhood or one you are looking to purchase a home in please don’t hesitate to contact me. 2014 is YOUR year!
Rachel Sheller-Principal Broker, Realtor, CRS, ABR, GRI, SRES, Diversity Specialist, HOWNW
Oregon First, Realtors
Direct 503.380.9634 Email-
Five Star award recipient 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014 honoring the top 7% of real estate professionals in Oregon. Portland Monthly Magazine.